TJ iloveyou

TJ iloveyou

Monday, April 02, 2012


First of all,put a big ass pic of me in case you miss me. *LOLOL*


Some people don't like,some people will think it's cool,some people will think it's an art.
For me,i think it's cool !! So , i might get one if i can.just don't know when. *shh**

Tattoos are permanent body modifications.but tattoo still can be remove by several ways if you resist to. So,, for this case,you should think wisely,think carefully,to have it.

Like it or not, pain does play a role in getting a tattoo. With that in mind, here are 10 spots you may want to avoid when considering getting a tattoo.

1st : bikini/Genital area

 Pain can be imagine.Isn't...?

2nd : elbow,knee,ankle

 Like the wrist, the skin of the knees, elbows and ankles are thin, and it can be easier for the tattoo needle to jar the bone. Tattoos in these spots can also take longer to heal, because you are constantly moving your joints.

3rd : around the eye


4th : neck

5th : rib cage

totally cool~!

 6th : behind the ear

7th : lip

LOL.some more hello kitty....

8th : top of the foot

 Not only is the top of the foot one of the most painful areas, it's a difficult enough place to tattoo that some shops won't even do tattoos here.

9th : along the spine

even Victoria Beckham did it!

10th : inside the wrist

There are some people out there love tattoo so much.They even have tattoo on their whole body.But,somehow,i'll find it disgusting unless it's a big picture/they're related.

A good tattoo artist will take the time to talk to you about location as well as what to expect in pain. If an artist is not willing or does not have the time to discuss this with you, leave. If you feel uncomfortable in any way, talk to another professional with a good reputation or even a doctor. Don't feel rushed to make a decision, because it's a decision that will leave a mark on you for the rest of your life!

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