TJ iloveyou

TJ iloveyou

Monday, March 18, 2013

truth about morning

Here comes the idea to blog bout this post.

I saw Jane aka chuckei posted this in her fb page.....

about the morning truth....

I was like wtf ... so true.... I bet everybody think that.Erm....maybe not all. For me,I agree to maybe 6 out of 10.

Is that something pop out in your mind now? What's that?

haha. Alright. Let's see!

1)bed is extremely comfortable when I want to wake up compare to at night when I going to bed.
2)snooze every 5mins once alarm rang.

3)roll here roll there on the bed , refuse to get out from bed.

4)brush teeth with my eyes closed.

5)those morning people is effin annoying till I wanna slap them.

6)you wonder why am I so tired when my body had been recharge?

7)falling asleep takes an hour at night

8)There's a huge difference between 7am and 7.05am.

9)when I wake up half an hour earlier , I spent the whole half hour to look at the clock every 5mins.

10)Whenever I feel happy for the next morning event,I ruin it by not being able to sleep the night before.

11)Planned what to do the next day , but then so is the day after.


Alright , here's a few truth ..... that happens to me wtf  

So what about yours?

I got it here , some .

everyday woke up with this stupid face.


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